Tuition rates are for normal daycare services. My services will be available Monday through Friday from 6:30 AM 5:30 PM. You can arrange earlier drop of times. Discuss needs for care outside these times and I will try to accommodate reasonable requests for a possible additional fee.
FULL TIME DAYCARE - Up to 50 hours a week
Infants – (Birth to 18 months)- $175.00 Week, Rarely take infants, call to see if available
Toddlers/ Preschool (18 months to 4) -$125.00 Week, after Potty Trained $115.00 Week
School Age- ( 5 years and older )- $105.00 Week , school days out $15 per day not to exceed $105.00 per week
Yearly supply/Enrollment fee $20, due on enrollment date with also deposit as in contract.
Infants- ( Birth to 18 months) – NOT AVAILABLE
Toddlers/ Preschool(18 months to 4) -$80 per week Up to 25 hours a week, I don't usually take under 5 years old for part time
School Age ( 5 years and older )- $80 per week Up to 25 hours a week
School age care (5 years and up) $40 per week 15 hours or less a week
In the summer I sometimes can offer all day care for school age, subject to current placements. Cost is $105 per week up to 50 hours.
Pre K ( under age 5 years ) that attends half day in school cost is $125 potty trained or $115 if not potty trained, due to still considered full time placement in my licensing capacity.
Yearly supply / Enrollment fee $20/year due on enrollment date with also deposit as in contract.
Toddlers (18 months to 2.5 years old) $40 per full day (Not to exceed 10 hours day per)
Preschool/School Age (18 months to 5) $30 per full day. (Not to exceed 10 hours day)
I do have brief contract for short term care that need’s to be filled out prior to me caring for your child/ ren.
Late fees of $ 2 per minute will be billed if you are late past the normal pick up time.
(This will be filled in the contract.) It will be added to the weekly tuition charge, unless prior arrangements have been made in advance. I realize job pressures, traffic, and weather conditions occasionally affect your ability to arrive on time. However, since a habit of arriving late does affect my family life, I will need to charge late a fee if I feel a pattern of late arrival develops. Please feel free to discuss arrival and drop-off times with me if your needs vary, such as when you or your spouse need to travel .I will attempt to be flexible to meet your needs for occasional early arrival and late pick-up times, but these will need to be exceptions rather than a general rule so as not to unduly impact my own family. Late fee of $10.00 per day will be charged for late tuition payments.
If you are an SRS contracted client you are responsible for any fees that are not covered by SRS.
When you give me 2 weeks notice I will credit your deposit to the last week’s tuition. If you don’t give me 2 weeks notice on termination of my daycare services, I will keep your deposit and you will be responsible for any tuition for the last 2 weeks of daycare tuition. Even if you choose not to have your child (ran) attends the last 2 weeks. As is our daycare contract for my daycare services. Enrollment/Supply Fees are no refundable.
When I am running Group Licensed child ratios only allowed nine children 2 ˝ years old and up.
*****This option is what I usually operate with on filling available openings. *****
I can also run a regular licensed capacity of 10 children in all 3 age groups is only time can care for infant
Unless other arrangements are made in advance, or what we agreed on in daycare contract, charges for the next weeks care will be due on Friday. All daycare tuition is payable prior to my daycare services no mater if paid weekly, bi weekly or monthly. This will enable me to purchase food and supplies over the weekend for the coming week. Payment is preferred in cash; however, money orders and personal checks will be accepted when drawn on a local bank. Please write check to “Dayna’s Daycare / Dayna Brown”. In the unlikely event of a returned check, I will require a $30 service charge in addition to the repayment of any extra bank charges I may incur as a result of the inconvenience. Subsequent payments will need to be made in cash or money order. A late fee of $10.00 per day will be applied as in your contract. If you need to be late PLEASE talk with me prior to due date. If you are late past 2 days, daycare services can and will stopped until payment is made. Unless PRIOR arrangements have been made in advance. If you are late more than two times, may cause termination of my daycare services. If I am closed on our scheduled daycare tuition due date of Fridays, Tuition is due by last day open for that week, may post date your check for Friday . In order to provide my own family with a stable financial situation, I cannot offer any discounts for days your child is not in my care, such as when you are on vacation, days when your child is ill, or other days when you choose not to bring your child. Though I realize daycare is a major expense for most working parents, I also rely on this business to help support my own family. Since I will beholding your child’s space for you to use at will, I need to charge for fulltime whether you use it or not. Rare exceptions may be made at my discretion for extreme circumstances. If you request, you may receive a written receipt for each individual payment of tuition and supplies fees. In January of each year, I will provide you with a summary of all fees paid for the previous calendar year. I will also provide you with a proper tax form showing my taxpayer ID number and the full amount of any charges for the previous calendar year so you may claim this expense on your taxes. If you are an SRS contracted client. You are responsible for any daycare services not covered under your SRS Child Service Plan. Also any yearly supply /enrollment fees that your SRS child care plan will not cover payable prior to entering daycare. All SRS payments are due by the 5th of the month unless otherwise stated in contract.
TAXES- I will supply you with a year-end summary of all daycare fees paid during the year for tax purposes. This will be given to you in January each year .You may request a statement at any time
Although I will do my very best to be available every business day, it is conceivable that I may be forced to close occasionally due to vacation, illness, or other emergency. If you cannot ever tolerate rare, but possible lapses in care, you should consider placing your child in a daycare center, or make arrangements for backup coverage. I realize your need for reliable daycare and will attempt to give as much notice as possible whenever I must close my home to care for any reason. In order to spend quality time with my own family.
I will be closed on the following major holidays In Highlighted teal:
~New Years Day , Tuesday January 2nd
~Memorial Day , Monday May27th
~ July Forth ,Thursday July 4th
~ Labor Day , Monday September 2nd
~ Thanksgiving Day Thru the after Thanksgiving, Thursday Nov.28th & Friday Nov. 29th
~ Christmas Eve Tuesday December 24th
~Christmas Wednesday December 25th
If the Holiday falls on a weekend I will take the following Monday or Friday before. I will also take ten (10) additional days of paid vacation, but only with at least two (2) weeks written notice. Working with exposure to many families and especially children, it is expected that I will become ill occasionally. Therefore, I reserve the option to take five (5) paid sick /or Personal days also if I have death of immediate family member per calendar year. I will not take these days unless I am genuinely ill or death in the family, and I will always attempt to give as much notice as possible when I am forced to close my home due to illness or injury to a family member or myself. If I use one of 5 personal/sick days for myself for personal time needed off for like going to my own personal appointments, I will give you at least 2 weeks’ notice if all possible . Also, in the event that one of my own family members is mildly ill, I will also give you as much notice as possible to allow you to decide if you want to risk exposure to your child. These days will not count toward the paid sick days since I will still be available to care for your child. In order to provide my family with a reliable income, I cannot offer discount for days when your child is unable to attend due to his/her illness or vacation.
I will take off the 2013 year on the above Holidays and the dates below for vacation days.
This is your notice of my planned vacation days for 2012. Please find alternative care for these days:
1. Fri. March 22nd |
2. Fri. May 24th |
3. Fri. July 5th |
4. Wed. Nov. 27th |
5. Mon. Dec 23rd |
6. Thur. Dec. 26th |
7. Fri. Dec. 27th |
8. Mon. Dec 30th |
9. Tues. Dec.31st |
10. TBA 2 wk. notice |
This is example only !!
SRS/DCF determines your eligibility and amount you qualify for daycare assistance!
EXAMPLE: Tuition $115.00 week x 4.3= $494.50 month
You pay by 5th of each month with SRS Vision Card payment $250.00 ( eligible amount determined by SRS/DCF)
Remaining tuition $244.50 divide by 4 , you pay $61.13 weekly , or we can figure if you are paid biweekly or monthly
If all your daycare tuition is covered by SRS/ DCF, must be paid BEFORE the 5th of each month. Also required to give 2 weeks notice as private pay clients, per parent handbook and contract To avoid late fees. You are responsible for all charges not covered by SRS/DCF.
Saturday, December 29, 2012 08:35:25 AM